Friday, December 19, 2008

well coifed

Madison went to the groomer yesterday morning. She was bathed, pedi-pawed (a giant task, lol), ear cleaned and clipped. H-Mom left her at the salon and picked her up an hour and a half later.

It was quite a tiring morning, and Madison was very clingy the balance of the day. In the afternoon, H-Mom was sitting on the sofa at the gallery, and Madison crawled up into her lap and started licking her hand. It was very silly and very puppyish and very unusual, as Madison has not been much of a cuddler so far. A kissy, kissy, licky, licky attack schnauzer, but not a quiet, cozy snuggle-pup.

From the groomer, she did get a lovely little Christmas goodie bag, and a rawhide candy cane, which she demolished before H-Mom could get the camera. The cookies look like "human" cookies, but they are doggie peanut butter cookies and they are Madison's favorite!

So if I endured the torture, and the presents are for me, how come you are holding out?

This morning H-Mom was washed, clipped and styled too.

Tonight, the teen-human is up for a hair relaxer. H-Mom does it herself, because she is very brave, and it actually comes out better than when the salon does it.

It smells terrible though, so Madison and Man-dad will probably go sit outside and watch the boats. Then H-Mom will get a nice photo of Madison with the Teen-human, because they are such a sweet duo. And all the girls will be styled for the holidays.


Unknown said...

my goodness! She sure is growning fast! Love the haircut.. she looks fabulous!

Dandy Duke said...

You look just gorgeous, Madison! You and your mom are both all spiffy for Christmas!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kess And Her Mama said...

What a great look for Christmas. Happy holidays!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Ur so stylin', Madison...and um...your feet are HOOOOOOGE! My paws are teny tiny in Mumsie's much do ya weigh now, Sweet Girl? No burglars around your house!!!

You are one bootiful girl!


River said...

Everyone looks terrific! It's great to hear that Madison and the teen human are good together.

love & wags,

Stanley said...

Sounds like it was spa day at Casa de Madison! You look FABulous, girlie, and so does your mama! We're hoping the teen hooman turns out just as bootiful!

Goober love,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

My, don't you all look quite splendid! Ready for Christmas!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Allison Walton said...

Hi Madison!

We found your blog through Maggie and Mitch--you are one beautiful lady!

It's nice to meet you!
Gus and Waldo
(and Dog Mom)

Anonymous said...

Hi Madison! Nice coif! It showcases your expressive ears. Maybe we can get together and play sometime - maybe after the holidays.

Your friend,

The Devil Dog said...

Madison, you look very nice after your visit to the salon. Mom goes Saturday. She is getting her hair colored (the gray is showing) and permed (it is shapeless). Mom can't wait. I am perfect the way I am, so I don't need a salon, (just better manners) lol



You sure look pawsome. Getting that treat bag must have almost made it worth while to go to the groomers.

Essex & Deacon

Puglette said...

aww, poor puppy did not enjoy her spa day! The last time our doggies went to the groomers they cut Honey with the furminator! We have not been back. >_<

Dexter said...

You and h-mom are kind of making the same faces after your trips to the salon. Maybe they used the nail grinder on her too.

Anyway, you both look lovely.


musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package