Saturday, December 13, 2008

when it's dark outside

This will be distributed to the 100+ dog owners in our condo building today. Yes, H-Mom has scraped the bottom of her tennis shoes one too many times.


BrandytheGreat said...

Wow, we pity her. But great job, let us know the response!

Anonymous said...

Hi Madison - We live on a corner lot and people are always walking their dogs and letting them go potty on our grass and not cleaning it up. It's too bad that not all pet owners are responsible. Anyway, guess what? I have an award for you - it's on my blog.

Your friend,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Remember the streets of Paris? Or any other French city or town? It would be nice if people around here started thinking about picking up poop. Of course, in our case, tom is usually in the middle of a BIG field...

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Some owners just have this bad habit of not picking up after their dogs. Some even gave excuses like the poop is good fertilizer! Sheesh...

Cocoa and Barley

Dexter said...

Wow! I hear you, but good luck with that. Sometimes momma sees somebody letting their dog poop on our front yard and she runs screaming out of the house with a poop bag.

We always see other dogs poops on our walks and sometimes people yell at us because we're walking by and momma says, "if that were my dog's poop on your yard, then why am I carrying this bag of shit?"

Such language, tsk, tsk.


Dandy Duke said...


Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lois Lane/Laney said...

I want to post this at the park in our housing addition. The sad thing is, there are free bags and a trash can right there for disposing of poop, but the whole area is littered with it. Mom has to watch where she steps just to throw my poop away!

The Devil Dog said...

It is a $25.00 fine in the city if you do not scoop your poop. Mom loves your card and hope it works.


musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package