Saturday, January 10, 2009

fog and a sunset

We have had cooler weather for the last week. It is downright CHILLY, in the 70's with a dip to the 60's for early morning hours. H-Mom has a fleece jacket that she loves when it is cool, and it is good too, because there is the perfect depth pocket for training treats.

One morning this week, there was a fog warning. It just seems like fog is something for the rolling hills and valleys of the northern U.K., but we do sometimes get a "tropical" fog in south Florida. The white stuff was hanging low over a few parking lots, the dog park and a huge cemetery that we drive past on the way to play.

Here you can see the fog across the street from the dog park, lingering over an industrial lot. It was kind of mysterious and calming for our early morning walk.

Yesterday evening, we all went to Coconuts, a wonderful Fort Lauderdale restaurant that bills itself as "dog-friendly for friendly dogs." Well-behaved canines are allowed EVERYWHERE, even in at the bar. When people place their order, the waiters always bring a stainless dog bowl with ice water and a milkbone! Madison has been there twice now, once for lunch on the deck overlooking the intracoastal, and last night for an early dinner, again on the deck. She was entertained watching the giant pelicans catching pita bread that Man-Dad was tossing on the pier.

Our sunset doesn't match the beautiful Key West sunset, but it was pretty impressive, over the Intracoastal and the yachts in the Bahia Mar harbor. It was warm sitting in the sun, but it definately got cooler as it got dark. Madison was very nicely behaved, even though she let out a few very loud, high-pitched YIPS on a rather random basis.

The girl just needs attention. And a second dog biscuit would have been appreciated ... after all ... the humans ordered appetizers AND a main course.


Dandy Duke said...

We think you are super lucky, Madison! Dinner with your parents and hanging out in the bar sounds like fun to us! Did you meet any more Giants?
What an awesome sunset!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

You must be a very, very good girl, Madison. I'd never be able to eat at a restaurant - I'd jump into the laps of everyone I could reach, trying to make new friends...and I don't know if I could settle for just one dog biscuit, either. A few yips? Stellar behavior!


The Devil Dog said...

Mom had to laugh at your definition of cold and chilly. We are getting more snow tomorrow. We are staying indoors and under the covers.


Allison Walton said...

Waldo just said he wants to come down and move in with you in your "cold" weather. It was 15 degrees here today!


River said...

You all are so lucky to have even ONE restaurant that likes dogs. 60s seems pretty warm to us! We have the doors & windows open when it's in the 50s--which is the main temp for winters here. We need some pictures of the restaurant and the food :)
love & wags,

Life With Dogs said...

Coconuts sounds like a blast - we do not have any such restaurants here.


Send some of that cool are our way. It has been warm lately.

As for sunsets, Dog Dad's favorite is the California Sunsets out at Vandenberg.

Essex & Deacon

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...we'll take some of your cold!!! It's supposed to get to below 0 this week up here in da Burgh...yeesch...your weather sounds fab...and your dog park is bootiful!!

Isn't it funny when you meet other dogs from ur kennel? It always happens to Stanley here...he must be related to every Dale in Ohio and PA!!!!!

How big are ya now Madison?? You must be gettin' huge!!!

Love and kissies...

Stanley said...


Sounds like the idea of cold is a pretty relative thing. If it was in the 60s here, I can guarantee folks would be pulling out their shorts and stripping off their winter coats.

Now, about that restaurant, what a great place that must be! Nothing like that around here. Not even close. You're a lucky pup, girlie!

Goober love,

musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package