Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Guess what?

IT was out of the tree!

Our little wind storm last night dislodged the TOY and it was laying in the grass at the dog park this morning.

And it is now officially a "Stinky Thing." Which is something that has been left behind at the dog park, abused by the weather, mouthed by countless dogs and generally put through the wringer.

We had photos ... but H-Mom's phone-cam is not sending emails tonight. Sigh.


TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh, no! Does that mean it's going to be retired?? It has taken on a personality... a castaway... forlorn... not forgotten, but out-of-reach. Will there be a rejuvenation? Or a funeral?

Jake and Fergi

Duke said...

Can't it be bleached and tossed in the wash? You'll help your mom do laundry, right, Madison?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Allison Walton said...

Hooray!! Mebbe da lawndree can take care of da smell?

Gus and Waldo

Unknown said...

OMDog! We left IT there yesterday, and this morning it was GONE. Did someone take it? Was it stuck in the trash by the grounds crew? Tragedy!

musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package