Friday, April 10, 2009


1. The new dog food we bought is a hit: Van Patten's Duck and Potato. It's almost better than TREATS, so that's really good.

2. A young woman moved into our building. We met her parents in the lobby this morning. They have a 5-year old Giant, at home in Michigan. We are looking forward to running into our new neighbor.

3. Madison is on the foaming yellow pills again, for tapeworm. Super yuck. She will be taking Comfortis again, to get rid of the evil biting fleas that carry the even more evil parasitic worms.

4. Madison swam the length of the lake. Really well.

5. IT is still in the tree.


Anonymous said...

Hi Madison! Your new food and neighbor sound good! Too bad your new toy is still in the tree - maybe a big iguana will climb up there and knock it down.

Happy Easter!
Joey and Zeke

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sorry to hear your toy is still in the tree. Is there a cat you can chase up the tree to get it????

Good luck and happy weekend,
Jake and Fergi

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We'd love to see you swimming. What a bummer your toy is still in the tree. If you had as much wind as we did last night, it might be out of the tree by now.

Happy Easter,
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Princess Patches said...

Tapeworm? Oh, yuck! We hope that nasty critter is gone SOON! We eat Dick VanPatten's food too! It's very yummy! Happy Easter!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Jake of Florida said...

How well Mom remembers those taunts from Junior High parties that started with a baseball game: "Don't pick her! She throws like a girl!!!!"

Jake and Just Harry

Kathryn and Ari said...

whoa. . . sorry. . . we completely lost our concentration after the word "duck."

Dandy Duke said...

How exciting about your new neighbor, Madison! We hope you get to meet this Giant one day!
Bummer about the fleas and the tapeworm! We hope these pills nip these suckers in the butt BIGTIME!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hope you meet your new neighbour soon. Tell us all about it.

Sherry said...

Lucky you, Madison. My mom won't take me to the lake here--she says it's too cold for her wimpy self.
Mr. Miro Destructo
Alanis the Good (no lake for me, thank you)

Allison Walton said...

Aaw! Tapeworm is sooo yucky! We hope dat dey go away soon!

Gus and Waldo

musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package