Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This gives us the WILLIES

House-infesting brown dog tick becoming resistant to common pesticides, UF experts say

House-infesting brown dog tick becoming resistant to common pesticides, UF experts say

Yesterday, H-Mom was sitting at her desk and felt a little tickle on her ankle. Not a Madison whisker, not an errant doggie beard. It was a tick and it was looking for breakfast.

Makes you itch for days.


ScrapsofMe said...

Oh yeah, makes me itchy all over!


Patience-please said...

Ewwwwwwie. Ewww ewww ewww!

creepy wags from the whippets

Dandy Duke said...

Yuck, yuck and double-yuck! We hate ticks!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


Hmmm, that could explain why Dad has been finding a tic a couple times a month on Deacon.

Essex & Deacon

musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package