She is also adamant that the ducks maintain a respectful distance from the gallery door. Don't cross the yellow line, or deal with the big black dog. Bred to drove cattle for hearty German farmers, the hiss of a snotty Muscovie duck doesn't even phase her.

Three blocks from a small canal, the ducks are plentiful here. And ugly ducks start out intensely cute. They are real tourist pleasers. Even if the adults are particularly unattractive.
Feral, domestic Muscovies are abundant in Florida. The ducks were released by owners for ornamental purposes or as pets. Domestic muscovies create nuisance problems -- they are messy -- throughout the state.
Muscovies are protected by Florida Statute 828.12 regarding animal cruelty, which is incentive to keep your dog from haranging the local population, even if she considers it in her job description as gallery-pup. And to drive carefully down the alley; duck pate is best left to the restaurant next door, not your tires.
Stay behind the yellow line. Can't you guys retain anything?
These ducks are prolific, and local populations, if uncontrolled, can increase dramatically in a short time. As a result, controversies frequently arise between residents who enjoy the birds and residents who consider them a nuisance.
There is an occasional space of time where there is a conspicuous absence of ducks in the few blocks by the gallery.
The shop owners suspect that the property management people are engaging the services of a "duck-eradication team." Horror stories abound of ducks brutally dispatched at 4 am.
Madison doesn't mind the ducks, as long as they stay in the parking lot, and keep the gallery doorway clear.
If they deposit a few slick trails she can swipe at before H-Mom sees, all the better.
It's a very simple relationship.
Mom is wondering how big those ducks are. Lucky is 12.5 pounds, are they bigger than her? I think they sound fun to chase. But then, if they are not afriad of Madison I doubt they would be afraid of me.
Haha, that's a funny story! It sounds like a similar situation to the one we have here with seagulls, esp. in coastal towns where they like to nest on rooftops. You can actually get an ASBO (anti-social behaviour order) for feeding them or encouraging them. They crap all over the place, seemingly worse on washing day and when they have young they dive-bomb you which is pretty scary! People still feed them.....aaarrgh!
We have duckies on our pond but no Muscovies, Madison!
We agree, duck poopies are delicious and we get yelled at too if mom catches us! shhhhhhhhhhhh
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Those ducks look huge. Madison is doing a good job of chasing them off into the parking lot. Such exotic poop would be attractive!
love & wags,
Your ducks remind us of the Key West Chickens. We can never figure out why those chickens hang out by Kentucky Fried Chicken place.
Essex & Deacon
I think it's time you devise some kind of diversionary tactic for the purpose of duck poo retrieval. If the H-Mom is busy doing whatever it is you try to get her to do while you remove the duck poo, all the better.
Looks to me like you and the ducks are making it work. President Obama would be proud. (Maybe I'll let him know about you.)
Goober love,
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