She's not even paying attention to Madison.

These are the diversionary tactics attempted this morning:
- plant herself in the middle of rug between H-Mom and the TV
- put both front paws in the water bowl and bark
- run across the room from the left, dragging H-Mom's sweatpants behind
- disembowel the lamb stuffie and kill the squeaker right behind H-Mom
- bark
- run across the room from the right, swinging H-Mom's underwear in the air
- snap at H-Mom's rear-end
- bark bark bark
- try to grab H-Mom's feet
- pull the leashes off the hook by the door
- bark
H-Mom was focused. Walking away the pounds. On a mission, and not willing to relent.
Madison went into the master bedroom, posed on the clear plastic deskchair mat, staring forlornly out the balcony doors -- out to the green tops of the trees and the great outdoors -- and peed.
Peed a lot. Peed a flood.
Tomorrow, Madison gets a quick pee break before H-Mom gets into this exercising thing.
Fair is only fair.
Oh dear, that is not good. Poor Madison. Poor mom. When mom drops down on the floor to do ab work, Lucky and I like to lie on her stomach like the sphynx. hee hee
It enhances her workout, you know.
The visuals of underwear swinging in the air...what a character Thank goodness the laundryroom is inaccessible to my little ones. The doxie has a thing for socks but you know, trying to pull off a sock that is ON my foot is another thing altogether.
You certainly did try to tell her, didn't you, Madison! Your poor bladder!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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