Saturday, December 27, 2008

dog pain

Madison was in pain with some issue in her front legs. At the dog park on Monday, she was suddenly in a heap on the ground, shreaking like she had been hit with a 2x4. Everyone ran to her, terror-stricken. In a couple minutes, she got up tentatively, walked slowly on her leash and then seemed fine.

A pulled muscle? A sprain? A twist? She has been playing at the dogpark, with an okay from her vet, and the opinion that is fine to "go with nature," believing that a puppy won't overdo it, and will rest when it gets tired. Long forced runs with a jogger or bike are not recommended until at least one-year-old, and agility work should be reserved for the developed dog, according to her breeder, and supported by most Web sites on large breeds.

Madison can be a "nut" at the dog park, running and playing with a particular puppy-like abandon, but H-Mom thinks that she is moving at a puppy-appropriate pace, and she keeps track of rest-breaks to make certain that Madison is not becoming overheated or unduly winded. H-Mom agrees that well-developed muscle is very important to support a large skeletal frame, and that athletic puppies will be more physically sound than coddled ones.

Well, the pain in Madison's left leg subsided after a day, with careful attention to no jumping and no running, and the limp was completely gone. Then it came back. Then it was gone again. A call to the vet supported the "take it easy, it's a sprain" theory, and suggested a few days of close observation. H-Mom had an appointment for Friday night, and then canceled it because Madison seemed better.

But last night, 4 days after the dog park meltdown, she went into a fit of yelping after she backed out from under the gallery desk. She had just walked normally for the 5 long blocks with Man-Dad to go visit. And now it seemed to be the right front leg.

So H-Mom started googling and reading about all kinds of diseases that affect large breed dogs in particular, diseases that affect bones and development: HOD, OCD and Panosteitis. There are other problems to worry about too, like Septicemia and vaccine response. And just plain old "growing pains." And pages and pages of Web sites and documents that will put fear in your heart and panic in your wallet. Orthopedic experts? Second opinions?

Googling can make you crazy worried.

The vet took Madison for an appointment this morning. He manipulated, he pinched, he turned, he watched. He analyzed, he observed. He listened.

Madison melted everyone's hearts. She is a kissy-kissy licky-licky giant schnauzer, after all. All the vet techs were sitting on the floor, playing with her. And there was not a whimper.

A sprain, or a twist, he said. Not even worried about a fracture or ligament tear or separated shoulder or any of those other terrible bone disorders. "I would have gone straight for the x-rays," he assured H-Mom and Man-dad.

Doctor's orders: a few days of an anti-inflammatory and the puppy equivalent of "bed rest."

"Don't read all that stuff on the 'net," he said. "You'll make yourself crazy."

Anyone want to come watch puppy movies and chew marrow bones, quietly?

The bed rest will be a real challenge.


Duke said...

Thank doG that a few pills and lots of rest will do the trick! We feel your pain, Madison! Mitch has had this same sort of issue before! It takes time! Enjoy your marrow bone!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Allison Walton said...

Aaw, Madison! We are thinking of you! Waldo got very very sick recently, so we know that it made our Dog Mom very very worried. She thought that the vet was going to have to "put Waldo down", whatever that means. Stay away from the googleizer so you don't make yourself crazee!

Gus and Waldo

Unknown said...

Sounds like Pano to me. It is very common in large breed dog when they are growning. It is akin to a kid's "growing pains" it will come and go but really isnt anything to be concerned about and will pass.

Big hugs and feel better soon!

Lorenza said...

I am sure the meds and the rest will help you Madison!
Take care
Kisses and hugs


Essex got Dog Dad excited about things a couple times when she was a pup. Running into the sign post at the dog park, sprained paw, etc. Dad developed a waitt and see attitude with sprains. Rest and a light work out. it is good to have a slightly worried Dog-Parents.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Deacon

Amber-Mae said...

Hi there! Nice to meet cha & welcome to Dogs With Blogs. I am so sorry to hear about poor Madison's legs. I wonder what's wrong? Poor girl...

Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Patches said...

Madison, I know it's not easy, but you need plenty of rest! We Airedales had the same thing when we were puppies. It will work itself out if you just take it easy!

Happy New Year!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dexter said...

Hey Madison! I think you have what I had when I was a pup. I would be totally fine and then all of a sudden couldn't walk on one of my legs, then fine for days or weeks then a different leg. My vet took x-rays and said that I had growing pains. We had to do the whole drug and rest thing, but then it just stopped happening on its own. Do be careful of jumping, though while you are still a baby.


The Devil Dog said...

I'm game for some quality cuddling and movies, so is Lucky. Do you think Madison would like us? Mom agrees with the vet about reading stuff on the web. Sometims too much information IS a bad thing. We hope Madison gets better soon.

Roxy & Lucky

Stanley said...

Hey, Sweet Madison!

After our girl practically had a breakdown from googling possible medical problems with us, she decided to swear off (for the most part) since we have a vet she trusts, and one who is not afraid to admit they don't know everything and will refer us to an expert if needed!

I can't imagine you on bed rest, but DO try to snuggle for extra long periods with your mama or the mandad or the teen hooman! That way, you won't be alone.

Hope your growing pains subside soon, ya big GOOBER GIRL!

Goober love,

Wei Qian said...

Hello Madison,

Nice to meet you ^^ Hope you get better

Best regards

musings on a giant schnauzer in a little MEDIUM LARGE package